Customer:The States of Jersey
Value: £8.0 million
This challenging project involved a complex public realm scheme to remediate a 1.3Ha former town gasworks in the centre of St Helier. The site was surrounded on all sides by commercial and residential properties.
With adjacent properties as close as 6 metres from the hoarding, it was necessary to ensure that residents were kept aware of what was happening on the site. Regular newsletters were sent to local residents and business when working methods were changed or when milestones were achieved.
A key feature of the remediation of the park was the re-use of existing site material as Jersey has no facility to treat contaminated material. The scheme was therefore engineered to be Zero Waste. The environmental impact of the works was monitored constantly with data on odour, vapour, dust, vibration and noise emissions being recorded constantly. An independent external laboratory was used to test the soil samples taken once every 400m³ by VHE’s environmental engineer.
As part of VHE’s commitment to reduce the impact of the works on the local community, a traffic management system was put in place. In conjunction with the Parish of St. Helier, routes and timing of bulk delivery vehicles were agreed.
Key elements of the project were:
This was achieved successfully 3 weeks ahead of programme and with over 2,000 people attending the opening.