Archaeological services on associated remediation projects throughout the UK.
Archaeological services on associated remediation projects throughout the UK.
VHE has undertaken a large number of civil engineering and remediation projects, many of which have involved extensive earthworks operations. A key element of these works can often be to establish the historical significance of the designated site and our specialists frequently carry out intricate archaeology and research during the design development stage.
When historical provenance is identified then archaeologists are regularly involved in our operations. On sites of relatively minor significance, this may involve a watching brief – where they will be present to observe our earthworks operations. They will then be able to identify whether any important artefacts worthy of removal should be uncovered for further examination.
On more historically significant sites, however, full-scale archaeological digs may be carried out in advance of our operations. This will allow the full extent of the site to be uncovered, documented, measured and photographed before the main site operations commence.
If you are in need of a land remediation contractor for sites with archaeological significance services then please contact VHE on 01226 320150 or alternatively use our quick enquiry form.