VHE are experienced in providing bioremediation and biophysical treatment services across the UK.
VHE are experienced in providing bioremediation and biophysical treatment services across the UK.
Using our extensive in-house resources, VHE has significant experience in undertaking bioremediation of contaminated sites. Involving the natural degradation of contaminants by bacteria.
The majority of bioremediation schemes carried out over recent years have involved the placement of material into windrows. Where space is restricted, we have also completed schemes using biopiles, which are aerated and heated internally by pipework, thus enabling treatment in colder weather conditions.
VHE hold both an Environment Agency and SEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency) Mobile Treatment Licence, which includes in-situ and ex-situ bioremediation (windrows, biopiles and in-vessel bioreactors).
Our comprehensive experience consists of a wide range of bioremediation projects – some of which involved the treatment of around 50,000m³ of material on former gas works sites. Additionally we can also offer treatment of smaller volumes, some as little as 200m³, where this has proved cost effective.
If you are looking to work with one of the UK’s leading land remediation contractors with bioremediation expertise then contact VHE now on 01226 320150 or alternatively use our quick enquiry form.