Customer:Riverdale Developments
Value: £0.6 million
VHE undertook the remediation of a former gasworks and builders yard site in preparation for the construction of 13 homes.
The 0.75Ha site is located on the eastern side of Lewes and bounded by the River Ouse to the south and residential properties to the north and east. From 1875 to 1971 the site was an operational gasworks and more recentley used a builder’s yard, occupied by a garage and offices. Gasworks structures on site included a gas holder, CWG holder, Retort House and numerous tanks.
The remediation project carried out by VHE required systematic excavation which was undertaken across the site, to depths of 1.6 to 2m below ground level, to enable removal of existing structures and gross contaminants. Where gasworks structures were encountered excavations were extended to the full depth required. Hotspots of contamination had been identified through several phases of site investigation work with remedial targets generated by the consultant, Leap Environmental, for both groundwater and human health.
The shallow made ground was found to contain metals, cyanide, petroleum hydroarbons including BTEX, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, total petroleum hydrocarbons and a hotspot of asbestos cement. All excavated soils were sorted on site and either reused or disposed of to a licensed non-hazardous landfill or hazardous treatment facility as appropriate.
Due to the historic use of the site as a gasworks and the proximity of adjacent residential properties, extensive environmental monitoring was undertaken including vapours, noise, vibration and dust sampling. Results were compiled daily by VHE’s Environmental Engineers and reported to Lewes District Councils Environmental Health Officer on a weekly basis.
Mitigation measures such as noise screens, use of odour suppressants and damping down of excavations were in use daily on site ensuring minimal disruption to local residents.
VHE are one of the UK’s leading land remediation contractors that can offer a range of remediation services to the housing market. Feel free to contact us now on 01226 320150 to discuss your requirements.