Customer:Cardiff City Council
Value: £5.3 million
The engineering works carried out in three phases for the capping and restoration of Lamby Way Landfill site in Cardiff.
In Phases 1 & 2 the site areas were re-graded, benched and blinded with up to 200mm of site-processed material. Pozidrain 6S240 was then placed over a 1mm thick HDPE liner to act as a protection and drainage layer to the subsoil capping. 1000mm wide Pozidrain 6S240 was placed below the liner and between each borehole position to encourage gas migration for collation. In addition, VHE constructed access roads to the site.
The Phase 3 works involved 135,000 m3 of excavation to facilitate the installation of a cell to accept refuse, the installation of a drainage blanket and associated earthworks. The original phases were capped (using HDPE liner and sub-soils) and landscaped. The contract also included drainage works and outfalls to the sea wall an, the construction of a green waste recycling process.