Barrow in Furness

Customer:Cumbria County Council

Value: £1.2 million prior to additional works

Following a competitive tendering process VHE were awarded the project to deliver the reclamation of the existing docklands land previously used as public open space docklands and allotments.

The 4Ha site to the south of Barrow in Furness comprised derelict allotment and brownfield land previously used for a range of industrial purposes connected with Barrow Port. The proposed works were to remediate existing brownfield land in the main site area and create an engineered platform to be utilized for future development opportunities.

During the works further works were instructed to remediate another 2Ha (3 plots) to the east and west end of the main site. Additional works included demolition, the extension of the Emergency Access Track, the provision of a high specification security palisade fence around all 3 plots and landscaping requirements to provide a Community Garden for local residents.

Ecological constraints were applied to safeguard slow-worms and common lizards. Ecological works were undertaken to comply with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

The site teams (vegetation removal and demolition) worked in unison with a team of ecologists to ensure clearance was carried out in a controlled manner. The reptiles were moved to a series of local receptor sites and orchids from Plot 3 were translocated back into two areas within the main site. An ongoing management strategy has been set up to treat a cluster of JKW contaminated soils over the next 5 years.

As part of H2H Cultural Heritage’s involvement in the works, to record all local Military Heritage a WWII Pill Box was relocated in one piece, from its buried position in the center of the plot, to a prominent position in the landscape area on the edge of the development.

The primary works for the remediation of the site involved:

  • Clearing the site of former allotment buildings, boundary fences, fly tipping and debris, followed by the demolition of an engineering factory unit and several residential garages in the second phase of the works.
  • Clearing the site of contaminants including asbestos and hydrocarbon.
  • Altering ground conditions on the site to raise it above flood risk level which included reprofiling existing ground as well as importing quarried aggregates.
  • Ground Improvements to achieve loading capacity to enable development – inclusive of testing and trials.
  • Earthworks including import of materials to achieve site levels appropriate for development – significant volumes of subsoil and capping stone from local quarries for the development plots, along with MOT-1 for the roadway construction.
  • Soil management across the site including processing soil for landscape areas and dealing with contaminated hotspots.
  • Construction of a 150m section of highway with associated infrastructure (footways, lighting, drainage) to an adoptable standard and the removal of the existing deep drainage connections.
  • Construction of a 300m single lane tarmac Emergency Access Track.
  • Utility diversions – Electric, gas, telecoms and water supplies.
  • Installation of 2200m of high security palisade fencing and gateways around the perimeter of all 3 plots.
  • Installation of main development plots deep drainage systems.
  • Detailed UXO surveys and investigation within the former timber pond covering the southern half of the site.
  • Soft landscaping including meadow grasses, trees and native shrubs with three areas of translocated orchids.
  • On site provision of reptile hibernacula along with improvements to the off-site receptor sites were a large part of the reptile protection strategy.
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