VHE has designed and constructed a small scale soil washing plant that is entirely self contained and transportable to site in a single delivery.
Our invovement in washing trials at site investigation stage can provide clearer information than has previously been available as to the suitability of the soil washing process as a remediation option. The plant can offer the opportunity to establish whether soil washing is an option during ongoing contracts and will also be available to customers and consultants as part of site investigations. We are thus able to carry out pilot scale tests as part of remediation options appraisal as recommended by CL:AIRE in Treatability Bulletin 1.
Our previous experience at Woolwich, Basford and Bristol was washing large amounts of material, and this continued on the Commonwealth Games project in Glasgow. However, with this knowledge and experience and the current landfill directive, it has become increasingly viable to wash smaller amounts, either as a sole remediation solution or as part of a combination of remediation techniques.
The plant was initially designed to wash a small quantity of hydrocarbon contaminated gravel and has been successfully used for this purpose during a project at a site in Deptford, London. The plant has since been used to carry out pilot scale test washing trials on materials at Stella South Power Station, Gateshead. The trial involved the washing of 8no. 10 tonne batches with full clean out and wash down between batches.