Harworth Colliery - Simpson Park

Customer:Harworth Group

Value: £2 million

The construction of a new highway to access residential development plots on the former Harworth Coking Works site which VHE had previously remediated.

The award of this contract saw the continuation of the successful relationship between VHE Construction and Harworth Group. Following the completion of the remediation contracts to the Coking Works and Parcel 1 on the same site, VHE were awarded the infrastructure package that would ultimately serve the future housing developments on the plots associated with Parcel 1.

VHE constructed 0.5km of highway to adoptable standards under a Section 38 agreement, which was administered and overseen by Via EM on behalf of Nottinghamshire County Council. VHE also completed all the associated foul and storm water drainage installations to adoptable standards under Section 104 and Section 185 agreements with Severn Trent Water.

Key elements undertaken and completed include:

  • Earthworks to form the highway and associated verges.
  • Road and footway construction inclusive of asphalt layers, paving and decorative features.
  • Storm water drainage system, inclusive of a large contractor designed headwall outfall to an existing water body under a Section 104 agreement.
  • Foul drainage system, inclusive of the connection top and the diversion of the existing foul drainage services under a Section 185 agreement as described above and the installation of the developments new foul drainage including a pumping main and pumping station under the Section 104 agreement described previously.
  • Street lighting.
  • Traffic signs.
  • Street furniture and fencing installation.
  • Soft landscaping and seeding works.
  • Installation and coordination of multiple utility services and apparatus that will serve the future development including electric cables (both high and low voltage), gas main, water main, telecommunications ducting and chambers.
  • Construction of the substation from the foundations up to and including the roof structure, installed on the periphery of the site on behalf of Northern Power Grid and GTC Utilities.

VHE faced challenges during the contract which saw us aid both the client and the designer to reach practical and viable solutions. These included locating existing HV cables where accurate historic plans did not exist, using vacuum excavation to enable the designer to finalise the position of the pumping station, the substation and drainage pipework alignments. In addition VHE met the challenge of coordinating and facilitating the works and requirements of the multiple utility companies to ensure timescales and key dates associated with the construction programme and the client’s contractual commitments to various house builders were met.

VHE continued to employ value engineering techniques and policy throughout the contract. Coal tar bound asphalt was temporarily stored on site which was associated with the remediation of the adjacent Coking Works. VHE proposed that this material could be cement stabilised and reused as sub-base material within a section of the permanent works, thus encapsulating any potential for contaminants to leach. This value engineering strategy made it a viable and cost effective product for re-use within the permanent works, prevented the material from being disposed of to landfill and reduced the import required to site.

Investors in Diversity
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ISO 45001
ISO 14001
ISO 9001
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  • S35 2PH
  • Tel: 01226 320150
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  • G68 9LE
  • Tel: 01236 457157
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  • Ensphere House
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  • WA3 6BH
  • Tel: 01226 320150

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Registered Office: 3175 Century Way, Thorpe Park, Leeds, LS15 8ZB.
Registered in England no. 1457182. VHE Construction plc is a wholly owned subsidiary of Renew Holdings plc.